Beau Inks Eyebrow Pigment
Each Bottle is 15 ml, .50 fl. oz
Bamboo Blonde: A neutral mid-range dark blonde shade, Fitzpatrick 1-3. Lighten or warm with Butternut, for taupe effect, use straight. If color heals too warm, use less Butternut. If color heals too cool, add more Butternut.
Biscotti: Beau Inks Biscotti Eyebrow pigment color has a Neutral Base for Fitzpatrick 1 – 2 Light taupe for blondes, with a hint of gold but darker than Sandy Blonde. Great for blondes and gray haired women. Add a small drop of Butterscotch or Butternut to warm but if color heals too warm: eliminate Butternut or Butterscotch at touchup. If color heals too light: add Bamboo Blonde.
Cherry Cola: Beau Inks Pigments Cherry Cola is a deep warm-based brown – Fitzpatrick 2 – 4. If need additional warmth or to maintain warmth use a drop a Butterscotch, Cocoa or Henna. If used straight, it will heal with more taupe.
Chocolate Fudge: A neutral, taupe undertone. Warm with Sunflower or Cocoa. Fitzpatrick 3-4, Base – Neutral.
Chocolate Mousse: Medium, neutral brown. Warm with 1 to 3 drops of Sunflower or Goldfinch.
Cocoa: A warm deep mahogany auburn color that can be added to other browns to create auburn tones. Fitzpatrick 3-6. 1/2 oz. Bottle
Coffee Bean: Our deepest cool deep brown. Warm with Cocoa, Blue/Black Corrector, Cherry Cola or New Henna. Mix half and half with Cocoa for darker complexions. If color heals too warm, reduce Cocoa, Cherry Cola or New Henna. If color heals too cool, increase New Henna, Cherry Cola or Cocoa can be added if more auburn tones are desired. Fitzpatrick 3-6. 1/2 oz. Bottle.
Milk Chocolate: A neutral base for Fitzpatrick 1,2,3. A taupe color with some cool gold tones, when warmed a mid-range golden brown. If used straight it will produce a taupe. You can warm it up with a small drop of Butterscotch. If the color heals too warm, eliminate or reduce Butterscotch, If heals too cool increase the Butterscotch. Fitzpatrick 3-5. 1/2 oz. Bottle.
Moccasin: Mid-range golden brown. Can be used straight on Fitzpatrick 1-2. For Strawberry Blonde, add 1 to 2 drops of Henna. To maintain warmth, add 1 to 2 drops Butterscotch.
Nubian: Cool Darker than Milk Chocolate. To prevent ashy tones warm with Butterscotch. It can be lightened with Bamboo Blonde. If color heals too warm, eliminate or reduce Butterscotch. If color heals too cool, increase Butterscotch. Henna or Cocoa can be added if more red tones are desired.
Sandalwood: Sandalwood is a gorgeous medium, warm brown shade. It is the perfect selection to make when you want to maintain the warmth in an eyebrow.
Sandy Blonde: Neutral color for fair blondes with fair complexions. Fitzpatrick 1-2. Warm with Butternut. Use straight for a light taupe shade. If color heals too light or warm eliminate Butternut at touchup.
Soft Ash: Cool Medium taupe shade. Fitzpatrick 2-4. Use straight for true taupe. Mix with Sandy Blonde or Banana Creme to lighten. To heal more neutral, add 1-3 drops of Butternut. Great for cooling down orange, coral or shrimp colored eyebrows.
Truffle: Beau Inks Pigments Truffle Warm Base: Fitzpatrick 3 – 6 Deepest warm-based brown. Add Cocoa or Henna to maintain warmth. If used straight, it will heal with more taupe.